Pirate 21
Release date:
Feb 26, 2020
In this unique multi-hand Blackjack game, play up to three hands a game, using the “pirate deck”, an exclusive deck with no 10s in the shoe. With rules like “player 21 always wins” and multiple opportunities to double, split, or surrender, it’s an exciting new variant of a beloved classic.
Release date:
Feb 14, 2020
Here, 21 is Pontoon, and a five card hand that hasn’t busted is a winner! Played similarly to Blackjack, Pontoon is an exciting and fun variation on the standard rules.
Three Card Rummy
Release date:
Nov 1, 2019
This real time 3 Card Blackjack variant plays similarly to the Blackjack that players know and love with a unique scoring system.
European Blackjack
Release date:
Oct 1, 2019
The European version of Blackjack is slightly different from classic, or American Blackjack, in that each player is dealt only one face up card at the start. This is seen as a more conservative form of blackjack as doubling down and splitting become more risky bets, should the dealer have a natural 21.